Professor Tomisaku Kawasaki is a role model to all pediatricians.
He always shows us passion, curiosity, courage and kindness.
I still remember how I was inspired to explore the new disease, “Mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome”, during my fellowship when I read his article.
Now, I understand. His passion always inspires people around, anytime, anywhere.
Without his support and enthusiasm, the IX IKDS in Taipei Taiwan in 2008 could not be a success. The incidence of Kawasaki disease in Taiwan is the third high globally, just next to Japan and Korea. The late coronary complication is such a big medical challenge due the distinct pathophysiology. To us, to hold the IX IKDS in 2008 is not an honor but also a mission. Professor Lue and I did witness how Professor Kawasaki brought the research team together. He always wanted to provide better care for KD children and their family. Hence, the KD family hours session during the IKDS meeting is truly a session full of love.
Salute to the Master!
To us, a Master always is there.