川崎先生を偲んで A tribute to Dr Kawasaki

Yoshihide Mitani

日本川崎病学会 運営委員





I would express my sincere condolences on the death of
Dr. Tomisaku Kawasaki, the discoverer of Kawasaki disease, who passed away on June 5, 2020, and who was an advisor to the Society and the honorary chairman of the Kawasaki Disease Research Center in Japan.

I have participated in the meetings of Japanese Society of Kawasaki Disease for over 30 years, which was governed under the guidance of Dr. Kawasaki. Through such meetings, what I have learned could be summed up in one simple word: diversity in two areas, one in terms of academic fields and the other in terms of the countries involved. In addition to general pediatrics, I had the opportunity to learn pediatric cardiology in coronary arteries, infectious diseases, immunology, vascular biology, pathology, genetics, and epidemiology. I had the opportunity to meet with people from all over Asia, the United States, Canada, Europe, and other countries over the globe. I believe that these opportunities are the result of Dr. Kawasaki’s wide range of human interactions and his personality, which cross academic fields and national borders.

It is an honor and privilege for me to organize the annual meeting of Japanese Society of Kawasaki Disease in October 2020, although I miss Dr Kawasaki in the sessions. In accordance with the wishes of
Dr. Kawasaki, I hope the transition issues would be further integrated and substantiated in the field of Kawasaki disease, and I hope that the academic discussion in the sessions, which can be uniquely realized even in the virtual circumstances, will promote international exchanges.

Dr. Kawasaki, I heartfully appreciate your generous kindness during your life. May you rest in peace.

Dr. Kawasaki in photos

第1回三重県川崎病講演会(2000年4月20日 三重県津市)にて

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